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美麗佳人 / Ren


圖片翻拍FB/Daniel Newman

2020-03-25 11:00

COVID-19(武漢肺炎)確診人數每天都在增加,在《陰屍路The Walking Dead》中飾演「丹尼爾」走紅的美國男星丹尼爾紐曼Daniel Newman,甚至自曝花了超過9000美元(約台幣27萬)做篩檢,卻沒有得到檢驗結果!


38歲的丹尼爾紐曼表示日前和山姆史密斯(Sam Smith)、杜娃黎波(Dua Lipa)參加雪梨同性戀狂歡節遊行,接觸到了一些生病的人,回國後被告知同行的有人採檢呈陽性,自己也開始有些症狀,因此決定自己要去做檢驗,但整天打了許多家醫院和緊急照護門診,卻沒有一家可以做採檢。



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Thanks for all the concern! I guess a lot of #WalkingDead fans saw me in the emergency room regarding #CoronaVirus. Sorry I didn’t reply I needed time to process. So here’s what happened. Yes I was just in Australia with Sam Smith, Dua Lipa, and thousands of people from around the world for Mardi Gras Pride. I was exposed to some sick people and I started developing symptoms and then back in the states I was notified someone in our group tested positive for #Covid19. I spent all day calling every urgent care and hospital no one had tests! Finally I found one emergency room that told me my symptoms match and to come in immediately. I did all the tests and they told me because I have “mild symptoms“ the government won’t allow them to process my tests! They don’t have enough they’re not prepared, even though all my symptoms match. They’re only allowed to process “severe symptoms, elderly, or people recently in Italy and China”. It cost me $9,116!! and they didn’t even give me results. They sent me home and tons of other ill people that could potentially infect their communities, just telling us to “self Quarantine“. Why after almost 3 months since China is our country not prepared with tests, masks, hand sanitizer, toilet paper! Why after one day of shaky stock markets did they invest 1.5 trillion into the markets, but not the Healthcare system after three months! This was not a surprise, this was not being prepared. We’ve already gone through #H1N1 #SARS why didn’t we have a pandemic unit ready when this happens every few years!? Everyone please treat each other with kindness and Love ❤️! We are all going through this together. Young people are not immune, thousands of people are dying around the world. Please be safe, wash your hands, stay 6 feet or more away from people and stay home. I love you guys so much you can get a hold of me on here or Twitter if you need to talk I’m here for you. Love - D

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