熱門: 美股 行事曆 年金 00891 房地產

Rural industry cross-field integration cluster

Rural industry cross-field integration cluster

Convenient, cultural & creative, interesting – Creating a new agricultural management and marketing model.

“Rural industry cross-field integration cluster”combines“Green Thumb”, which specializes in agricultural marketing,“30g”(Fresh Vegetable and Fruit), which specializes in agricultural product processing and“Aotter Inc.”, which is an ecommerce platform to introduce information and communication tools by integrating their respective fields of expertise. By merging rural experiential services with cultural & creative designs to add value to agricultural products, a new agricultural product sales model can be created in Taiwan, in turn developing limitless business opportunities through the mutualistic management approach. Inspired by the philosophy of“Rounding up great farm products – Wonderful sojourn experience”,“sojourn.tw”(https://sojourn.tw/) not only collects, develops and processes premium farm products, it also encourages people to walk into the farm fields and appreciate the warmth of the earth. In doing so, they can understand the original appearance and production process of the farm products that they have purchased. In other words, from the place of origin to their dining table, consumers will enjoy the products with far greater peace of mind and at the same time also serve to enhance the value of the products. The cluster team utilized a Big Data system to analyze keywords from news reports, online articles and PPT to provide accurate statistical analysis to“30g”(Fresh Vegetable and Fruit) in order to ascertain products that cater to the consumers’needs. Furthermore, using the platform as a medium, complimentary e-voucher tools and management tools are provided to farmers in an attempt to encourage them to organize experiential activities, hoping that consumers will be able to appreciate the dedication of the small farmers in growing the produce by personally experiencing various activities at the farm fields. In the future,“sojourn.tw”is expected to launch the“iPack”service, where consumers can pick their favorite motifs to customize their packaging after choosing the farm products they wish to purchase. The profits received will be given back to farmers, designers or illustrators in order to create more business opportunities for farm products.

Under the assistance of the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA,s “SME Digital Application Enhancement Program”,“sojourn.tw”is able to facilitate innovative agricultural developments through deployment, connection, expansion and networking. The ultimate goal is to contribute towards upgrading the Taiwanese agricultural industry, creating a living circle with local industry values.










