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期交所於國際獎項評比再放異彩 勇奪FOW 2017年「全球年度交易所」

期交所於國際獎項評比再放異彩 勇奪FOW 2017年「全球年度交易所」

期交所於國際獎項評比中再傳捷報,以優異表現,取勝共同入圍角逐的各區域年度交易所,勇奪FOW 2017年國際獎項之最高榮譽「全球年度交易所(Global Exchange of the Year)」最大獎,這是期交所繼今(2017)年9月獲得2017「亞洲資本巿場獎項」之「年度交易所」獎項後,再度於國際舞台,大放異彩。


文/陳浩仁 (期交所企劃部專員)


12月6日在倫敦舉行的FOW 2017年國際獎項頒獎典禮中,期交所首先取勝香港、新加坡及日本等亞洲主要交易所,獲頒亞太區年度交易所(Exchange of the Year, Asia-Pacific)獎項,之後,更再與歐洲、美加、中南美等各區域年度交易所得主,分別為歐洲區之歐洲能源交易所(EEX)、美加區之芝加哥商業交易所(CME)、中南美區之巴西交易所(B3),競逐「全球年度交易所」獎項。
















劉董事長也表示,期交所榮獲「全球年度交易所」大獎,主要歸功與多家國際交易所策略聯盟推出國際合作商品,建立與全球主要經濟體之連結,包括與日本交易所(JPX)及印度國家證券交易所(NSE)合作推出TOPIX及NIFTY50指數期貨,更與芝加哥商業交易所(CME)攜手上巿美國標普(S&P 500)及美國道瓊指數期貨;另一方面將行銷觸角也擴展全球,授權德國交易所(DBAG)於海外地區行銷期交所行情資訊等。






期交所榮獲FOW 2017年「亞太區年度交易所」獎得獎感言      


Thank you FOW, everybody.

It’s a great honor for Taiwan Futures Exchange to receive the “Exchange of the Year, Asia-Pacific” award. I would like to thank FOW and Global Investor for recognizing our efforts and achievements as well as organizing such a wonderful event.

Over the past year, TAIFEX has made several breakthroughs and new highs, including the listing of the first RMB FX options, a number of new foreign index futures, such as the NIFTY 50, Dow Jones and S&P 500, upgrading our IT systems; and successfully launching an after-hour trading session.

And, we will continue to provide a more open and competitive marketplace with a variety of products, a highly efficient system and more international practices.

We welcome all investors around the world to join TAIFEX, which has unlimited potential, meaning unlimited chances.

Thank you.  


期交所榮獲FOW 2017年「全球年度交易所」獎得獎感言              



Thank you, everybody.

It’s my great honor and pleasure to stand on this stage the second time to receive the “Global Exchange of the Year” award. I would like to share my highest appreciation to FOW and Global Investor again for acknowledging our efforts and performance.

While Confucius once said that “Pride hurts, modesty benefits”, I still want to say that it is fair for us to receive the award of “Global Exchange of the Year”. This is because over the past few years, Taiwan Futures Exchange has worked so hard to meet the challenges of the international futures market.

From my personal perspective as a scholar researching securities law in the U.S. in my early days, I came to realize that because of the scale of local market, Taiwan needed to reach out to the international community for future growth.

Therefore, with such international exposure, when I took office in September 2014, I outlined a roadmap for TAIFEX, a regional exchange in Asia-Pacific, to become more globally relevant. We have to bring greater international participation to Taiwan and the Asian derivatives markets, and to make foreign products more accessible to Taiwan investors. Through tie-ups with international exchanges, I hope Taiwan has outstood itself, and made a difference to the global community.

As I said moments ago, Taiwan is a marketplace full of wonder and potential. It took us twenty years to walk this far and we will continue to drive at full speed to create our next excellence. You will find your great chances with us.

Last but not least, I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you soon in Taiwan and Taiwan’s capital market.

Thank you again.


期交所榮獲FOW與投資人亞洲資本市場獎項 「2017年度交易所」殊榮
期交所榮獲FOW與投資人亞洲資本市場獎項 「2017年度交易所」殊榮


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