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天才創業鋼鐵人- Elon Musk

天才創業鋼鐵人- Elon Musk

2014-12-09 18:15

被喻為現實版的鋼鐵人,青年科技創業家 Elon Musk二十五歲就創立的全球最大線上支付平台 PayPal,接著創辦電動車Tesla及太空運輸SpaceX。每一項大膽突破的發明,都震驚科技界。有人說行動裝置之後的下個科技革命,會由 Elon Musk 所領頭,佔市場總市值超過 180 億的電動汽車,為人類的永續未來揭開序幕。


a) 監視; 監督

b) 偏執; 妄想

c) 危險

Speaking at the AeroAstro Centennial Symposium, held at the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Musk made his comment when asked by a student about his opinion about artificial intelligence. Musk recommended that a regulatory a) oversight body be created to ensure that artificial intelligence doesn’t become the agent that brings about the end of the human race, as we know it. Musk stated that his investments were more of an attempt to keep an eye on the negative potential of artificial intelligence as opposed to a desire to generate a substantial return.

在著名的麻省理工學院 (MIT) 所舉辦的 AeroAstro 百年學術研討會上, 一名學生問到關於人工智慧的意見,馬斯克提出了他的評論。他建議設立一個監管機構以確保人工智慧不會成為如我們所知的- 人類的終結 。馬斯克指出他的投資,更著重於企圖監測潛藏在人工智慧的負面效應而不是渴望創造豐厚的回報。

“You know the stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t 1) work out”. Musk’s metaphorical statement of the conjurer being overpowered by the demons he summons illustrates his cautious approach to the potentials of machine intelligence. Given that much of society’s current infrastructure, ranging from a city’s water supply to a nation’s electricity grids, is controlled electronically (and often with insufficient safeguards), Musk’s fears have a strong logical basis and should be carefully considered.

"你知道關於有一個人以為拿著五角星,聖水,就可以控制惡魔的故事嗎?那其實是行不通的"。馬斯克隱喻式的聲明有關魔術師收服惡魔的故事,顯示他對於機器所隱藏的智慧的謹慎態度。許多社會當前的基礎設施,從城市供水到全國性的供電網,都由電子操控 (經常沒有充分的保險措施),馬斯克的恐懼有充分的邏輯,應慎重考慮。

Earlier in the year in an interview with CNBC, Musk talked about his b) paranoia of a future where robots are out of the control of man. “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”, said Musk warningly, cautioning that people are unprepared for the unexpected. There is, however, a 2) subtle irony to his statements as Musk is known for his many ventures in which he pushes the boundaries of science and technology, often for the good of the human race.

早些在 CNBC 電視頻道接受採訪時,他談到對未來機器人將不受人控制的偏執狂想。"沒有人期待西班牙宗教法庭",馬斯克警告人們對意想不到的事情未做好準備。然而,相對於他的聲明,微妙諷刺的是,馬斯克的多項企業,為了人類利益,都極力將科技推向極限 。

Often compared to Tony Stark from Marvel’s Iron Man. Perhaps because of his achievements, he has a better understanding of the c) perils of science than most. His most recent statements about technology and more specifically artificial intelligence recall the words of another famous physicists, Stephen. Hawkings, “Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last.”

常被比喻為驚奇漫畫裡的鋼鐵人東尼· 斯塔克。也許因為他的成就,對於科學所帶來的危險有更深刻的認知。他最近關於科技和人工智慧的聲明,讓人回想到另外一位著名的物理學家斯蒂芬. 霍金的話 "成功創造 AI 人工智慧將成為人類歷史上最大的事件。不幸的是,它也可能會是最後一次。

It appears that those who understand science and technology best are also the most cautious about the role that it plays in the future of the human race.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition

西班牙是個政、教合一的國家。約有 90%的西班牙人都是信仰天主教的。 Spanish Inquisition 西班牙宗教法庭(或譯宗教裁判所) 自1978年成立。成立的宗旨就是為了起訴、迫害那些非"天主教"教徒的人。西班牙的宗教法庭自1483-1820年內共迫害了超過38萬異教徒,是宗教史上的一大污點。

參考資料: Wikipedia


Work out: 行得通; 解決

Work out 可以合在一起用,有行得通; 解決的意思。

Don’t worry; I believe things will work out in the end. 不要擔心,我相信事情會解決的。

也可以分開,work something out 有理解,計算出來的意思,用法如同 figure something out。

It will take me a while to work this out. 這可能要花我一些時間來理解。

Subtle 微妙、細微的; 難捉摸、含蓄的

Subtle這個字很多人會念錯,它的念法需要去掉 b 的音,唸成/ˈsʌt l/ 。

在本文中當成微妙,細微的意思。There are subtle differences between these two words. 這兩個字只有些微的區別。另外也可當含蓄的意思。He doesn’t even try to be subtle to giving criticism. 他毫不含蓄的直接批評。




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