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2019 數位健康國際加速器團隊招募 Taiwan Phoenix Project Launch

2019 數位健康國際加速器團隊招募 Taiwan Phoenix Project Launch




2019-01-28 14:19






Early in the beginning of 2018, Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB) initiated the Taiwan Phoenix Project which is Taiwan’s first Digital Health Accelerator with the aim to accelerate development in biomedical related fields, and to capitalize on the emerging global trend of digital health. Collectively, we received more than 60 startup applications and 30 of them were selected. Since joining our accelerator, DCB has leveraged interdisciplinary resources to help the startups make their ideas solid, sharpen their skills, find strategic partners and show up for fundraising. Finally, the top 15 demonstrated their innovative ideas which can possibly empower Taiwan’s biomedical and healthcare industry .They pitched their business to the local and international venture capitalists for ultimately testing their business plans.

Most importantly, DCB was cheered to invite MassChallenge (MC) to join our whole year program. MC is well-known as the most startup friendly accelerator of the world and famous for solving massive challenges by connecting global startups and enterprises.





  1. 鏈結全球生醫重鎮-美國波士頓,與當地育成加速器(如MassChallenge、Nestbio等)、生醫專家、投資者交流。
  2. 規劃在Bio USA期間辦理論壇,聽眾來自多國生技界重要人士;規劃前往Bio Japan,並前往日本藥廠交流對談。
  3. 東南亞拓商,與當地醫療通路雙向交流。
  4. 參與Frost & Sullivan 在亞洲地區舉辦的GIL年會,鏈結亞太地區重要廠商。


International Linkage Features

  1. Partnering with local accelerators like MC & Nestbio, biomedical domain experts and fund managers in the global life science and healthcare hub, Boston.
  2. Marketing and media exposure during Bio USA and Bio Japan forums and events, access the visitors from market leaders and participate in one on one match-making.
  3. Participating in business tours in Southeast Asia to build connection with local marketing and sales channels.
  4. Joining GIL annual conference hosted by world famous research center, Frost & Sullivan, in Asia to reach interdisciplinary partners.



  1. 參與美國加速器MassChallenge在台舉辦之新創訓練營。
  2. 邀請全球前五大人工智慧公司英科智能(Insilico Medicine)在台子公司台灣英科智能前來授課AI for Bio。
  3. 邀請空間光調製器(SLM)領先設計廠商和蓮光電,前來講述SLM在生醫光學領域的技術內涵及發展潛力。
  4. 導師陣容涵蓋醫師、醫療從業人員、藥廠、生技廠、投資者等專業人士。
  5. 強化新創公司Pitch簡報呈現及Pitch表達方式達國際水準(以英語為主)。


Local Acceleration Focus

  1. Join startup bootcamp hosted by MC in Taiwan
  2. AI for Biomedical and Healthcare Application workshops hosted by Insilico Medicine which is the top 50 AI Pharma startups in the world.
  3. Domain expert-oriented mentor pool covers clinical doctors, healthcare practitioners, pharmaceuticals, biomedical companies and investors.
  4. Enhance pitch deck design and English pitch soft skills



  1. 五年內已登記成立公司,以及尚未成立公司的團隊。
  2. 專注在生技醫療 (醫材、製藥、應用生技)領域,或結合數位科技應用於生技醫療或健康照顧等領域者。
  3. 有意發展國際市場並爭取潛在合作機會者。



  1. Companies established within 5 years or startups or teams in seed stage.
  2. Focus on biomedical and life science fields including drug development, medical devices and applied biotechnology or leverage digital technology for biomedical and healthcare application.
  3. Intend to expand international market and find potential partners.



2019 數位健康國際加速器團隊招募中


請洽劉經理 Janice  TEL:02-2655-8633 Ext.8009



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