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2020-06-24 09:43

Contact-free technology is being deployed at many of South Korea’s multiplexes as theater chains attempt to define a new normal in the post-coronavirus era.



The country’s number one exhibition player CJ-CGV turned its Yeouido branch into a completely contactless, “ untact ”in local jargon, theater in April.




To accommodate local audiences’ growing fear of physical contact with strangers, including cinema staff, the exhibitor giant replaced its human staff with AI robots, automated kiosks and mobile app services. Cinema goers no longer need to encounter a human staff member to reserve, pick up, or scan their tickets. Snack bars have been replaced with LED-controlled pick-up boxes which deliver food items ordered through CGV’s app.




“ It is predicted that movie goers demand for un-tact will also grow as a part of the new normal,” said Oh Dae-sik, head of CJ CGV’s smart innovation team. “ We will monitor feedback from visitors and operations, and consider expanding the un-tact cinema system, which is expected to enhance the level of convenience for our customers as well as the efficiency of cinema operation.”


CJ CGV智慧及創新部門的負責人Oh Dae-sik表示:「我們預期觀眾對這些『無接觸服務』的需求將增長,並成為新常態的一部分,我們也將觀察觀眾和員工的回饋意見及實際操作,並考慮擴大這些影院中的『無接觸服務』系統,藉此提高客戶的方便度和影院的運營效率。」


Another leading exhibitor Lotte Cinema also adopted un-tact services in 22 of its 130 complexes in late April. Visitors can reserve, change, and pick up tickets as well as order snacks on smart kiosks with voice-recognition systems. To purchase tickets for films that are not allowed for certain age groups, audiences may need to scan their ID cards.


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