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2023-01-19 10:18

今周刊編按:紐西蘭總理阿爾登(Jacinda Ardern)週四(1/19)在電視聲明中突然表示,她在今年10/14舉行的大選中,將不會尋求連任,並會在2月辭職,紐西蘭國家廣播電台(RNZ)報導,原本2/7是阿爾登本屆總理任期最後一天。

阿爾登說,她告訴自己所屬的工黨(Labour Party):「對我來說,時機已到,我能付出的所剩不多,已經沒有再做4年的能耐。」



阿爾登是紐西蘭建國以來第三位女性國家總理, 2017年10月就任紐西蘭總理,是紐西蘭自1856年來最年輕的總理。




紐西蘭總理 Jacinda Ardern 2018年6月產女,是世界上第二位在任內生產的總理。產假結束回到總理職位的她,欲以行動證明女人可以同時是一位好母親與國家領袖。面對外界對她的質疑,她說:「我不是超人,但我會在每件事上全力以赴。」

Before you start

Jacinda Ardern 




Jacinda 2017年10月就任紐西蘭總理,是紐西蘭自1856年來最年輕的總理,政治生涯發展快速的她,20多歲時就擔任過英國前首相布萊爾 (Tony Blair) 的政策顧問。一如所屬工黨的風格,她致力於推動福利政策,保障弱勢族群的生存所需。


Jacinda 和伴侶Clarke Gayford 產下女兒Neve,有趣的是這對伴侶並未結婚。對此,Jacinda表示,他們從來沒有刻意「不結婚」,只是一直沒有去安排結婚這件事,但也因為彼此都非常忠誠,倒也沒人對此有太多意見。




 “We’ve been multitasking every single day. The sentiment in that piece suggests that women can only be mother or other. Can I be a Prime Minister and a mother? Absolutely. Will I have the help to do it? Yes.”


—Jacinda 回應質疑她總理任期內懷孕生產的言論





Jacinda 的伴侶Clarke Gayford 是一名捕魚外景節目主持人,女兒出生後由他在家當「奶爸」。對於身為總理的伴侶,Clarke非常泰然自若。他坦言自己常常向Jacinda發表政治意見,甚至有時批評她的作為。採訪他們的NBC記者形容他們非常平易近人,Clarke則誠懇地反問:「我們應該要表現得怎麼樣呢?」


訪談節錄(節錄自紐西蘭國家廣播電台RNZ 2018年訪談)


Q: Helen Clark in that lovely thing she wrote in The Guardian said, “No doors are closed on women”. This is the message, from you. But the multitude of doors that are open, the responsibilities that you have, are still a balancing act, aren't they?

紐西蘭前總理Helen Clark在英國衛報上發表的文章對你有高度評價,她認為你告訴了大眾 「沒有女人解決不了的事」 。但當每件事都需要你去解決時,平衡也是一件很困難的事吧?


Yeah, and there is guilt behind every door… I do not have the monopoly on guilt, I think. I think women in all different walks of life will feel, to some degree, that if they place more emphasis on this area, their sacrificing something else over here. Gosh if I could take it away, if I could gift all women the absence of guilt, I would. But that’s the reality we still have. And that’s probably still part of the progress we need to make, that we can make choices, and just feel satisfied with doing the best we can, both in the workplace but also with our families.



Q: That’s a very powerful message of what you’re doing. Isn’t it?


 I’m not going to pretend that I’m superhuman. And I’m not going to pretend that I have the same luck as every other woman. I’m privileged. I’m very, very lucky. I have a partner who can be there alongside me, who’s taking up a huge part of joint responsibility, because he is a parent, too. He’s not a babysitter. He’s a parent as well. And at the same time, I also have the ability to have her with me, some of the time. So that means that I’m privileged. I’m lucky. A lot of women don’t have that choices. So, acknowledge that.



Q: What is the world you want to build for Neve? What is the New Zealand you want her to grow up in? 


Actually, I want to make sure that we govern in a way that reflects who, I think, we already see ourselves as being as a nation. If you ask a New Zealander to describe the country that they live in, and they belong to. And they will probably make some mention of how important the environment is to them. How beautiful it is. And probably underneath it, lies their sense of the guardianship role that we have. They would probably talk about us being fair minded”. I know that means different things to different people but there’s an inherent sense of I think social justice in New Zealand. And I think this inherent compassion to us as well…



Q: As a Labour Prime Minister, how do you reconcile the forces that want you to be less Labour, and the forces that demand you to behave more like Labour?


 I think in both of those scenarios, when you look at the business confidence, and when you look at the people who are seeking to have long-running labor issues resolved, there are high expectations of us, because we are problem solvers. You know, we’re called progressives for a reason. We progress change. We’re not afraid to tackle the problems in front of us.



…Any government that says we’re going to modernize means there’s a little bit of uncertainty because with change, comes uncertainty. What I’m committed to is coming out and really fronting with the business community and saying “We’re responding to the challenge you’ve thrown at us. We have to do it together. I get that I need to instill that confidence in you, but I’m going to do that.”



…No one has a monopoly on running the economy in a sustainable, responsible way. That has always been a part of Labour’s agenda and it’s part now of this government’s agenda because actually we can’t achieve all of the things we want to in the social space unless we have an economy that’s performing well.



本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年10月號







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