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2015-12-12 18:01

你曾經因為睡過頭而這樣說嗎:Sorry, I slept over.錯了!sleep over 是過夜,sleep in才是睡過頭。


你曾經因為睡過頭而這樣說嗎:Sorry, I slept over.

錯了!sleep over 是過夜,sleep in才是睡過頭。這種誤會說大不大,但有時真是糗。


「Debug」徹底除錯適合有基本程度的English users,能自我介紹、做部分溝通,現在,把錯誤的文法、用字、口語說法…,徹底移除!



* 我沒辦法接受辣的食物。
(X)I won't accept eating spicy food.
(O)I don't like/prefer eating spicy food.

* 那大概只能撐5分鐘。
(X) Only might be work for five minutes.
(O) It might work for only five minutes.

* 這是我最不希望你做的事。
(X) This is the thing I don’t want you to do the most.
(O) This is the last thing I’d expect you to do.

(X) I have the opportunity do a conference call.
(O) I have an opportunity to participate in a conference call.

(X) They very care….
(O) They care very much….

(X) I want my time to be decision by myself.
(O) I want my time to be decided by myself.

Solution: 說出來的英文常常很「中式」,可以(1)發現老外的句子和你不一樣,立刻寫下來重複練習 (2)讀中英對照文章,眼睛讀中文,嘴巴說英文,再去對和英文原文哪裡不一樣,把這些英文模式思考內建到大腦。

(X) I knew a new friend last week.
(O) I met a new friend last week.

(X) May I borrow your bathroom?
(O) May I use your bathroom?

(X) I need to prepare for a big exam.
(O) I need to study for a big exam.

(X) I lived in a nice hotel during my vacation in Thailand.
(O) I stayed at a nice hotel during my vacation in Thailand.

Solution: 乍看之下文法沒錯的句子,其實用動詞被中文牽著走,有時候英文比較實事求是,「用」洗手間是use,「準備」考試其實是要study,「住」飯店其實只有停留stay幾天,邏輯通了就不容易再錯。

(X) Going to the mall is so funny.
(O) Going to the mall is a lot of fun.

(X) That way is more efficiency.
(O) That way is more efficient.

(X) Asia people
(O) Asian people

(X) I was very rush.
(O) I was very rushed.

(X) You need to category your priorities.
(O) You need to categorize your priorities.

Solution: 學單字要見樹見林,不要只查單字翻譯,找有各種詞性例句字典,就能掌握正確用法。例如學「決定」這個字,可以上thefreedictionary.com熟悉怎麼用動詞decide、名詞decision、形容詞decisive。

NO.4 =>對象是誰沒在看!
* 誰在意!
(X) Who care!
(O) Who cares!

(X) He just need a little discipline.
(O) He just needs a little discipline.

(X) People does research.
(O) People do research.

(X) He don't come in.
(O) He doesn't come in.

Solution: 一開始說得慢一些沒關係,腦中找到正確搭配的動詞變化再說出來,之後每次慢慢加快,就像運動一樣訓練久了,反應就變成直覺了。

(X) He will be late for 5 minutes.
(O) He will be late by 5 minutes.

(X) I'll get it done tomorrow in the daytime.
(O) I'll get it done tomorrow during the daytime.

(X) I know him since I was a child.
(O) I have known him since I was a child.

(X) Facebook already gets $64 billion this year.
(O) Facebook already got $64 billion this year.


(X) They discussed about the goal for next quarter.
(O) They discussed the goal for next quarter.
(O) They had a discussion about the goal for next quarter.

(X) similar with
(O) similar to

(X) different with
(O) different from

(X) same with
(O) same as

(X) the difference with
(O) the difference between

Solution: 因為學過talk about所以覺得discuss也要about,不用去想是及物或不及物動詞,只要記得少數容易搞錯的動詞就好。中文說與/跟…不同,所以說英文也自動加了with。感覺一下介係詞,similar to是一種「對應」的比較,different from是「不同於…」,same as有「就如同…」的意思,the difference between是兩件事「之間」的不同所以用between。這是一種語感的累積,需要時間,但是確立的用法多了,就會掌握越來越好。

(X) I was graduated from National Taiwan University.
(O) I graduated from National Taiwan University.
Solution: “I was graduated from…”不是不能用,只是習慣用法是主動,被動用法有時也帶著一種好不容易學校才讓我畢業的語氣。

(X) I don't know what can/should I do.
(O) I don't know what I can/should do.
Solution: What can I do? 是問句的倒裝,The thing I can do才是一般的句型,所以I don’t know what (=the thing which) I can do. 理清楚就能應用所有類似句型。

(X) We should be more strict about the things.
(O) We should be stricter about the things.
Solution: 通常形容詞有三個以上的音節,比較級才會用more,例如:beautiful=>more beautiful。




他借341枚比特幣救急友人 法院竟判「免還」3億要不回…虛擬貨幣在台要納管,最快這時有「動作」




土石流是什麼味道?唯一能靠「嗅覺」預警的危機 若聽到「1字+火光閃電」,農業部:別遲疑!跑!


圖/日本7-11梅香飯糰「整隻大蟑螂」包緊緊!供應商道歉也救不回 市值被嚇走近5億元


3萬元房貸補貼「第2批」要入帳了!10萬戶「這時間」撥款 為何首波7萬戶拿嘸補貼?2原因不合格
