熱門: etf推薦 退休金 00939 通膨 存股推薦



2019-07-25 14:29








I am writing (this email) to ask about~

如果你聯繫的對象是從沒打交道的客戶,請一定要稟明寫此封信的目的,否則對方容易一頭霧水。而這句英文便是一個簡單的開頭,讓你表明寫信的目的。由於about是介系詞,所以後面可以簡單加個名詞即可。若要加句子,可以改成「I am writing to ask if~」。由於if為連接詞,後面可以加主詞和動詞,變成一個完整的子句。


I am writing to ask about the prices for model 332.


I am writing to ask if you could provide us with the prices for model 332.


We would like to

這一句英文後接原型動詞,而we would like則接名詞即可。兩句英文都有表達委婉want的意思,但是後者太過直接、不夠委婉及不禮貌,很容易觸犯到對方。因此在社交場合中,可以多用would like的表達語,以免觸犯對方。


Please let me know if



I would be grateful if~



Please include



I look forward to hearing from you



最後我們來看開頭與結尾的部分,開頭的招呼語,因為並不認識對方,因此可以用Dear Sir or Madam,意思為敬啟者。但也有部分的人會寫To Whom It May Concern來做爲開頭的招呼語,不過這個是比較老舊的表達語。如果想要明確度更高,也可以用Dear[name of the department]。


另外結尾部份可以用Yours truly、Yours Sincerely或是文中的Yours faithfully, 都是屬於比較尊敬的表達語,適合用在初次書信來往時書寫。




Sanso Engineering is organizing a conference for:

(A) tourists in Taipei

(B) company staff

(C) people it does business with


March 4 is the date when:

(A) Jason is writing the email

(B) The conference will take place

(C) The hotel says the conference can take place


Jason wants:

(A) the name of somebody at the hotel

(B) to visit the hotel

(C) to check the costs







Administrative Assistant

Head of northeastern district sales for Haptacom requires the services of an experienced administrative assistant. Two years of experience in a similar position is the minimum requirement. An educational background in sales, marketing, or administration is a plus. Applicants who are multilingual (English, Spanish, Japanese) are also preferred. Send a letter indicating your interest, qualifications and salary requirements, and a resume to Northeastern District Sales Hub, Care of Juanita Halperin, Haptacom Telecom Inc., 38 Science Park Plaza, Suite 1717, Toronto, Canada. Electronic responses are discouraged.


October 10

The Sales Office for the Northeastern District

Haptacom Telecom Inc


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am responding to your advertisement for an experienced administrative assistant. I feel that I am a strong candidate for the position as I meet all of the requirements you listed. I have worked as an administrative assistant in the financial services industry for nearly five years, and I have a bachelor's degree in sales and marketing. Further, I grew up in France and studied abroad in Japan for two years. You can see my enclosed résumé for details.


I am on contract with my present employer through the end of this month and I will not be renewing that contract. I would be, therefore, available to begin as early as the first of next month.


Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


Lily Matsuzaka


1. When can Lily Matsuzaka begin a new job?

(A) Immediately

(B) October 1st

(C) October 31st

(D) November 1st


2. Why does Lily Matsuzaka mention studying in Japan?

(A) To prove that she has a degree

(B) To express her willingness to travel

(C) To indicate her ability to speak several languages

(D) To emphasize her cultural heritage


3. What does Lily Matsuzaka neglect to include in her letter?

(A) The amount of money she wishes to earn

(B) The name of her university

(C) Which country's passport she holds

(D) Her email address




1.本題問「Lily Matsuzaka何時可以開始新工作?」答案直接看求職者的回信即可,在信中她提到I would be, therefore, available to begin as early as the first of next month(因此我最早下個月一號可以開始上班)。信頭看到此封信書寫日期為October 10th,因此下個月初當然就是November 1st,因此答案當然要選(D)。注意不能選(C),因為那應該是她目前工作的最後一天,而非新工作的到職日。


2.本題正解為(C)。這題問「Lily Matsuzaka為何提到他在日本讀過書的經驗?」而從徵人啟事內文的求職者資格要求訊息做推論,在徵人啟事中提到Applicants who are multilingual (English, Spanish, Japanese) are also preferred.(有第二外語能力的應徵者也會優先考慮,如英文、西班牙文、日文等),因此推論Lily Matsuzaka試圖要在對方面前增加自己的錄取的機率而特別提到自己在日本的留學經驗,進而暗示她的日文力不差。


3.題意為「Lily Matsuzaka在信中忽略提到什麼訊息?」這題我們要結合兩篇文章訊息內容來合理判斷,首先徵人啟事中提到要求職者要寄信indicating your interest, qualifications and salary requirements, and a resume(表明興趣、資格和對薪水的要求,加上個人履歷)到公司應徵職位。





因此答案要選(A),她沒有提到salary requirement,就是the amount of money she wishes to earn (她期望的月薪)。


【更多精采文章請上《English OK》


延伸閱讀》看到會議流程中出現Apologies 可別以為跟道歉有關!


主圖來源:Image by rawpixel from Pixabay




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