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職場師徒制 Tips to Succeed in a Mentorship Relationship

職場師徒制 Tips to Succeed in a Mentorship Relationship

2015-03-13 18:11




Mentorship is not about you. This may (1) grate on somebody's ear. After all, don't we seek a mentor to help us achieve our goals and give us advice when we need it? However, two-way communication and being mutually beneficial are the critical elements in a successful mentorship relationship. Here are some tips:


1. Be Grateful

One of the most powerful signs of gratitude you can show is to recap what you heard in the conversation and tell the next steps you will take - show your mentor that you are committed to what you have learned. The person, who has dedicated their most precious resource, time, wants to know that they were heard, and wants to know that you are ready for the next stage and will follow it through to the very end. This is especially critical to the person you are (A)engaging with - you want to make things clear, specific, and gratefully give feedback to the person who sees potential in you.

1. 表達感謝


2. Follow up

(2) Do whatever floats your boat, just make sure when one of your aforementioned next step during the talk with your mentor is completed, or when you successfully implement a recommendation that was generated from your mentorship interaction, you send them an email:

2. 執行


"Hi Elvin Peng and Isaac Chiu,

I want to say thank you again for your marketing tactics and customer service maintenance advice. I want to share with each of you that we are now having a huge (B)surge in sales and are receiving very positive feedbacks from our customers. The attached excels are some of the customer remarks and predicted sales figures from our product forum. I do not know if there is a more appropriate way to show my gratitude, but thank you"

Elvis Peng 和 Isaac Chiu 你們好,

Show the impact they have brought or where their words have lit your path, as this might be the thing that brightens up their day or be the (C)silver lining of the cloud when they are down. After all, we are only human, so are they.



(1) grate on the ear 忠言逆耳
grate 有摩擦的意思。grate on the ear 摩擦耳朵,延伸意思就是忠言逆耳,或是所講的話很不中聽。
E.g. His advice was really grated on the ear.

(2) Do whatever floats your boat 隨你所願,做你想做的
E.g. A: Do you think I should hire a manager from outside or promote an employee in the division?
B: Do whatever floats your boat, my friend. After all, you are the boss.
A: 你覺得我應該從外部請一位主管,還是直接拔擢我們部門的員工呢?
B: 你想怎麼安排都行,畢竟,你才是這間公司的老闆。










